Manufactured in the UK in accordance to Public Health Guidelines and in compliance with EN1500 and NSF E3 legislations. The rapid germicidal action takes place within 30 seconds of application and completely kills 99.99% of germs, bacteria and viruses rather than just reducing their growth.
• Kills 99.99% of Germs, Bacteria and Viruses
• 75% + Alcohol as recommended by WHO (The World Health Organisation)
• Rapid Acting and Quick Drying non Sticky Formula
• No Water Required
• Odourless
Medicinal grade hand sanitizer gel is a highly effective method of infection and bacterial control in a wide variety of settings, from day to life to hospitals and health care settings.
Full Details
Germs and bacteria are everywhere and can survive on surfaces for long periods of time, with microbial contamination spreading through direct and indirect contact with people and objects in our environment. As soon as our hands come in contact with the microorganisms and then we touch our eyes, mouth or nose – we allow the germs to enter our body. Medicinal grade hand sanitizer gel is a highly effective method of infection and bacterial control in a wide variety of settings, from day to life to hospitals and health care settings.
• Kills 99.99% of Germs, Bacteria and Viruses
• 75% + Alcohol as recommended by WHO (The World Health Organisation)
• Rapid Acting and Quick Drying non Sticky Formula
• No Water Required
• Odourless
How it Works
The antimicrobial activity of BioPharm-X hand sanitizer results from the alcohols ability to kill microbial populations and the number of viable pathogens that transiently contaminate the hands. Alcohol has been used as a disinfectant for thousands of years as it is incredibly effect for killing single celled microorganisms such as bacteria.
It works through a process called denaturation. Alcohol molecules are amphiphile compounds that have both water and fat properties, as do bacterial membranes. The alcohol molecules bond with and break down the bacteria’s protective membrane. This exposes the core components of the bacteria and they start to break down, quickly losing their structure, ceasing to function and then dying.
Keep your Hands Clean
There are many germs and diseases that are spread simply by not sanitising your hands. Keeping our hands clean is our first line of defence to avoid getting ill from the bacteria, germs and viruses that are all around us. While your hands may look visibly clean, you must remember germs and bacteria are not visible to the human eye. Using an alcohol based hand sanitizer several times a day is the best way to protect yourself and your family from germs and to avoid spreading them to others.
Hand washing should still be used alongside Instant Hand Sanitizer gel, especially in key situations where contamination is at high risk and you yourself are likely to spread germs.